Below are a selection of examples of how Stubenhofer Landscaping can transform gardens with a combination of great garden design, quality garden landscaping and skilled workmanship.

Fall Clean-Up
For fall clean-ups we use the most efficient equipment available. For larger open areas we use wheel mounted push blowers and back-pack blowers. Handheld blowers are used for the more confined areas. Rakes and low velocity hand blowing works best for areas with delicate plantings. The leaves and debris are loaded into trucks specifically set up for large capacities by using vacuum truck loaders. The fall clean-up canopies on the trucks are designed for large volumes of air flow thus allowing the truck loaders to "pack" the truck.

Weekly Lawn Mowing and Lawn Renovation
Weekly mowing with an emphasis on bed maintenance.The bed maintenance includes flowering trees, evergreens and deciduous shrubs, annual and perennial flowers, and rose care (fertilizing and spraying).
Lawn Renovation - Slit Overseeding
Slit overseeding is a mechanical method of adding seed to established lawns.
The slit overseeder cuts slots into the existing lawn and deposits the seed into the slot.
This procedure is excellent for renovating lawns that have suffered from insect or disease damage.
It may also be used for improving weaker lawns.
The lawn shown was approximately 40% dead six weeks prior to the date of this picture.
The rows of new grass are still evident but will fill in if proper cultural practices are followed.